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Rita Campos

Assistant Consultant

Rita moved from Portugal in 2018 to pursuit her dream of living abroad one day. She decided it was time for that when she finished her BSc in Lisbon. She moved to the UK in 2018 to do an MSc at Salford University, and when she finished the course she found her first job as a trainee consultant, and then graduate consultant for a Manchester-based company. She mostly worked on projects related to environmental and building acoustics. After a while, she decided she wanted to learn more professionally and academically.

The opportunity to join Vanguardia showed up. She was fortunate to start working with an incredible team of people who not only cover a wide range of disciplines and also aim to be as perfect as they can in what they do, but also are always willing to share what they know, and that is making her grow and learn a lot every day.

On a personal level, when you don’t find her working, you will probably find her studying for her PhD (Acoustics at Salford University), playing guitar, boxing or hiking.“